MCD06COSP_D3_MODIS - MODIS (Aqua/Terra) Cloud Properties Level 3 daily, 1x1 degree grid

Shortname: MCD06COSP_D3_MODIS
Platform: Combined Aqua Terra
Instrument: MODIS
Processing Level: Level-3
Data Format: netCDF4
Spatial Resolution: 1 degree
Temporal Resolution: daily
ArchiveSets: 62
Collection: MODIS Collection 6.2, Atmosphere (ArchiveSet 62)
PGE Number: NONE
File Naming Convention:


  • ESDT = Earth Science Data Type or Shortname
  • A = Stands for Acquisition
  • YYYYDDD = Data acquisition year and Day-of-year
  • VVV = Version ID of the data collection
  • YYYYDDDHHMMSS = Processing year, Day-of-year, UTC time (hour, minutes, seconds)
  • Format = File format suffix, which in the above case represents netCDF4
Keywords: Aqua+Terra MODIS, L3, Daily, Global Grid, CFMIP, COSP, MODIS simulator